There was a problem opening the record set: Cannot open any more tables. SELECT DISTINCT Song.SongID, Song.Song, Song.LyricsURL, Artist.ArtistID, Artist.The, Artist.Artist, Version.*, yyVersionName.Version, Year.Year, Year.Chart, Format(Year.ChartDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") AS ChartDate, Format(Year.PeakDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") AS PeakDate, Year.ChartWeeks, Year.Top40Weeks, Year.Top10Weeks, Year.PeakWeeks, Year.FirstChartingSong, Year.OnlyChartingSong, Collection.CollectionID, Collection.Collection, yyFormat.Format, yyChartType.ChartType FROM (((((((Version RIGHT JOIN (((Song LEFT JOIN xxSongArtist ON Song.SongID = xxSongArtist.SongID) LEFT JOIN Artist ON xxSongArtist.ArtistID = Artist.ArtistID) LEFT JOIN xxSongVersion ON Song.SongID = xxSongVersion.SongID) ON Version.VersionID = xxSongVersion.VersionID) LEFT JOIN xxVersionYear ON Version.VersionID = xxVersionYear.VersionID) LEFT JOIN [Year] ON xxVersionYear.YearID = Year.YearID) LEFT JOIN yyVersionName ON Version.VersionNameID = yyVersionName.VersionNameID) LEFT JOIN xxVersionCollection ON Version.VersionID = xxVersionCollection.VersionID) LEFT JOIN Collection ON xxVersionCollection.CollectionID = Collection.CollectionID) LEFT JOIN yyFormat ON Collection.FormatID = yyFormat.FormatID) LEFT JOIN yyChartType ON Year.ChartTypeID = yyChartType.ChartTypeID WHERE Song.SongID = 13188 AND Collection.InLibrary = True ORDER BY Song, Artist, Year, Version, Collection; |